Dezăpezirea: la noi și la ei

Nu exista ziar sau televiziune care sa nu aiba pe site cel putin un articol in care sa ne arate cum merg autobuzele pe un munte din Japonia pe langa nametii de 10m. Nu m-am putut abtine nici eu sa “rasfoiesc” youtube-ul in cautarea de astfel de minunatii. Iata ce am descoperit:

Dezapezirea cailor ferate in Canada (2013):

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La noi in 2012; asta se pare ca a avut parte si de o deraiere:

Interesante unele comentarii la acest video:

– “Like a mini tunnel boring machine. At this pace, the summer season will start before the snow could be cleared.”
– “Romanians need a massive Russian train snow plow.”
– “So basically they use a large chimney sweep broom strapped to a train; very Dick Van Dyke”
– “the snows going to melt before this thing moves any of it lol like watching paint dry or snow melt your choice lol”
– “I can understand moving slow through snow that thick and heavy (and maybe hard frozen, but the time spent backing up and then moving forward seems wasted. Why not just move forward slowly? If the purpose is to “hit” the snow with the train’s inertia to force the snow into the blades, But a diesel locomotive capable of pulling 50-100 cars should not need to do that.”

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Elvetienii au si ei unul ca al nostru, doar ca … este de prin 1910:

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De prin Japonia:

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Tot din Japonia, “Lobsterul Rosu”:

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Ca sa dezapezezi repede, trebuie insa sa dezapezezi des:

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Sa trecem la strazi … in Canada:

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Sincronizarea e totul:

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Pe strazi micute, banale camioane cu lama:

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Sa trecem la suflante:

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Si o “jucarie” serioasa:

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Unde sunt bani (si nu se trag tunuri) sunt si “scule”:

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