Rusii au ocupat parlamentul Crimeei

Azi, rusii au ocupat parlamentul, dupa ce acum doua zile, o nava ruseasca a descarcat “incarcatura” si localnicii rusi au inceput sa protesteze, numind primar un rus si declarand neoficial independenta fata de Ucraina. Peste 120 de oameni inarmati au pus pe parlament steagul rusesc si desi permit parlamentarilor sa intre, este evident ca parlamentarii care vor intra nu vor putea vota orice …

Intre timp, Rusia si-a plasat avioanele de lupta in stare de lupta:

All those clips we showed in the past few days of Russian forces amassing in the Crimean? Well, turns out they were all predictive of what has just happened in the Crimean region parliament at Simferopol, where around 120 pro-Russian Gunmen occupied the parliament building and raised the Russian flag. The scene was the site of Wednesday’s scuffles between Tatar groups and pro-Russian supporters. As Euronews reports, local Tatar leader Refat Chubarov posted that the buildings have been occupied by men in uniforms bearing “no recognisable insignia.” Kyiv says it would regard any movements by Russian military in Crimea outside Moscow’s Black Sea Base in Sevastopol as an act of aggression. Following the fall of President Viktor Yanukovych divisions in Ukraine have come to the fore. All this happens as Russian troops in the area are building up and at the same time as Russia put fighter jets on combat alert, according to Interfax. (Sursa)

In reactie la miscarea rusilor, ministrul polonez de externe, a declarat ca … “asa incep razboaiele”:

Polish foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski called the seizure of government buildings in the Crimea a “very dangerous game”. “This is a drastic step, and I’m warning those who did this and those who allowed them to do this, because this is how regional conflicts begin,” he told a news conference.

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