Soros finanțează primăvara arabă și în SUA


Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago.
He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

“Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,” on the George Soros funded MoveOn web page. “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”

The violent demonstration in Chicago on Friday may represent a precursor to the sort of activity the organization will engage in as it tries to “shut down” its political enemies and elect either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

On Friday night many of the protesters shouted “Bernie!” and held placards announcing their support for the socialist Democrat.

The group acts as a front for wealthy Democrats. It was founded with the help of the financier George Soros who donated $1.46 million to get the organization rolling. Linda Pritzker of the Hyatt hotel family gave the group a $4 million donation.

Multi au tras chiar semnalul de alarma ca Trump va lua calea lui Kennedy. Trump are bani si daca are 2 neuroni stie ce riscuri isi asuma si face tot ce poate ca sa se protejeze. Stie insa si el ca nici o protectie nu e bullet-proof. In caz ca moare, va fi un erou. Daca nu, dupa cum am zis, sunt riscuri sa fie un nou Hitler, de data aceasta unul prietenos cu evreii si dusman cu musulmanii.


Vedem insa ca Soros si la cei aproape 100 de ani ai sai nu sta cuminte si face tot ce stie el sa faca cel mai bine: sa produca “volatilitate”. Feedback-ul “haos social” – “impact pe bursa” este familiar multor investitori. Soros a excelat insa mai intai prin capacitatea de a intelege evenimentele si de a le citi mai bine ca altii si mai apoi a incercat sa le si produca. Bineinteles nu excludem si ideologia: omul poate chiar are o ideologie, desi in general bogatii si oamenii puternici nu prea mai tatoneaza cu ideologiile pentru ca banul le-a fost dumnezeu toata viata si singura ideologie pe care o accepta a fost profitul.

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