UE pentru to(n)ți / Documentarul BREXIT

Cateva spicuiri:

– parlamentul UE nu are nici o putere; un parlamentar european nu poate propune legi si nu poate modifica legi; legile sunt facute de altii si ei doar le voteaza;
– cei care decid in UE nu sunt alesi de nimeni; sunt sute de comisii si comitete care decid si care se numesc intre ei;
– putini oameni (inclusiv politicieni) nu stiu cati presedinti sunt in UE;
– birocratii europeni nu pot fi trasi la raspundere de nimeni si sunt platiti cu salarii frumusele pe viata;



3 thoughts on “UE pentru to(n)ți / Documentarul BREXIT”

    E oficial, armata turca a intrat in Siria incalcand toate legile internationale si regulamentele NATO. A invadat o tara suverana. Armata turca va incerca sa treaca de rusi si sirieni ca sa ajunga la teroristii cu care fac afaceri.
    De acum, Rusia poate ataca oricand Turcia. Zilele trecute Putin a mentionat eliberarea Constantinopolului si ca romanii trebuie din pacate sa fie pregatiti cu solutii de supravietuire din cauza scutului de la Deveselu.

    Trebuie sa acorzi spatiu si importanta acestor evenimente care vor curma multe vieti.
    Chiar si militarii veterani americani ne avertizeaza pe noi romanii, prostii satului, ca nu intelegem gravitatea situatiei in care ne aflam:
    CITITI CU ATENTIE ARTICOLUL, INTERCEPTORII DE LA DEVESELU SUNT CONCEPUTI CA RACHETE CONTINENTALE NUCLEARE!!!! Doar ca propaganda numeste aceste rachete drept “SCUT” ca sa para defensiv. Americanii vorbesc clar ca suntem idioti ca nu intelegem ce inseamna sa fim tinte pentru rachetele rusilor.
    Daca mai apucam sa traim, vom vedea, dar stiu ca exista si profetii ale unor sfinti romani cu o depopulare, cu zeci de kilometri fara tipenie de om sau cu descrierea unei urgii.

    In acelasi timp astazi s-a votat la UE ca TOTI CETATENII UE SA AIBA UN COD FISCAL UNIC.
    Nu doar firmele, ci si persoanele fizice. Si vom avea TVA unic in toate tarile UE.
    A single tax rate for all businesses in the EU: “The Commission . . . recognises that a fully-fledged Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB), with an appropriate and fair distribution key, would be the genuine ‘game changer’ in the fight against artificial BEPS strategies. In light of this, the Commission should publish an ambitious proposal for a CCCTB as soon as possible, and the legislative branch to conclude negotiations on that crucial proposal as soon as possible. […] it is also urgent and necessary to lay down a single set of rules for calculating taxable profits of cross-border companies in the Union by treating corporate groups as a single entity for tax purposes [….] Specific measures are therefore proposed to use this directive as a tool to ensure compliance by current secrecy and low tax jurisdictionswith the international push for tax transparency and fairness. […] The Commission shall develop a common method of calculation of the effective tax rate in each Member State, so as to make it possible to draw up a comparative table of the effective tax rates across the Member States.”

    Tax ID number for every European: “Proper identification of taxpayers is essential to effective exchange of information between tax administrations. The creation of a harmonised, common European taxpayer identification number (TIN) would provide the best means for this identification. It would allow any third party to quickly, easily and correctly identify and record TINs in cross-border relations and serve as a basis for effective automatic exchange of information between Member States tax administrations.”

    Global Tax ID number: “The Commission should also actively work for the creation of a similar identification number on a global level, such as the Regulatory Oversight Committee’s global Legal Entities Identifier (LEI).”

    “The Commission shall present a legislative proposal for a harmonised, common European taxpayer identification number by 31 December 2016.”

    On June 8, 2016, the final vote on the EU’s proposal to impose a single tax system on all its member states, as well as a Tax ID number for every European, was:

    20 + (Yes)
    15 – (No)
    21 zero – 0 votes, not-present or no-opinion.


    Te prind pe strada si te perchezitioneaza, iar daca gasesc carduri la tine, le baga in aparat si daca nu poti spune de unde ai banii, se confisca electronic:


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