Şamponul pentru copii Johnson & Johnson conţine componente cancerigene – în unele ţări

La peste 2 ani dupa ce mai multe asociatii de parinti si grupuri de activism din domeniul sanatatii a cerut Johnson & Johnson sa scoata din componenta samponului pentru copii componentele toxice care produc cancer, compania inca le foloseste in tarile in care aceste componente nu sunt interzise explicit, la doi ani dupa un raport initial al Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

Mai multe detalii puteti citi pe site-ul organizatiei Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

„It’s been an incredibly slow movement,” Stacy Malkan, the author of the campaign’s report entitled „Baby’s Tub Is Still Toxic,” told the International Business Times.

„We felt it was important to release the report to build pressure on them to move more quickly than they have been moving. We wanted to release the information as a way of informing the public that their shampoo still has same toxicity problems as back then.” (Sursa: International Business Times)

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