Rusia vs Turcia

“Under the UN Convention on International Law, among 162 other signatory states, including Cyprus, each state has sovereign rights in its EEZ for exploring, exploiting and protecting both live and non-living natural resources, including water, the seabed and subsoil,” said Lukashevich in comments made on August 19th and reported by (in Greek).

Dar de ce i-ar ajuta rusii pe ciprioti? Iataun motiv: Russia May Lend $3.4 Billion to Cyprus as Fiscal Woes Mount. Dar oare rusii chiar nu ii inghit pe turci? Iran zice ca sistemul de radar al NATO pe care il detine Turcia va fi o amenintare pentur rusi. Si americanii inca nu au plasat scutul antiracheta la turci

Tocmai cand incepusem sa nu prea mai cred in profetii legate de … Marea Grecie, iata ca nu suntem departe de implinirea lor.

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